The innovative AI weather model determines for you the very best weather data at the ultra local level. Not only the weather parameters on the plot but also the crop climate such as leaf wet period. These parameters are crucial for calculating disease pressure prediction.

Weather model and accuracy

The SmartFarm weather model is the latest development on the platform. Without weather stations or other hardware, you get accurate weather data on a 1.2 km2 grid every 30 minutes. A unique development to provide you with worry-free information on weather, disease pressure and scheduling of work. The weather model is suitable for most plots but if you have a plot with different conditions we recommend the SmartFarm sensor

Developed by experts

SmartFarm uses artificial intelligence (AI) to create an accurate data set: the SmartFarm weather model. This model provides ultra-local weather data specifically tailored to each individual plot. In addition, we use the crop-level converter to determine the microclimate for all major crop species. 

With the introduction of AI, SmartFarm's in-house meteorologist, Dr. Joost Nieveen, has developed a unique and progressive weather model. Based on 70 million data points from previous cropping years, a reliable model has emerged that compares extremely well with standard weather stations. 

For only €14.99 you can already take advantage of this solution and take even better care of your crop.

Advantages of the SmartFarm weather model

Accurate data without hardware

All the data for your plot needed to make the right decisions, without worrying about hardware and with high accuracy.

Gives you valuable insights about your crop 24/7

Monitor disease risk and spray more effectively at the right time.

Affordable and up-to-date 24/7

For only €14.99 you get all the data you need to keep your crop healthy. Up-to-date 24/7, for all growers and all crops

Experts speaking

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