What is dew?

Optimal crop protection is not possible without attention to dew. Dew is a result of leaves cooling in the evening. They then become colder than the surrounding air and the so-called dew point temperature. As a result, moisture in the air condenses on the leaves, making them damp. This process stops only when the sun rises in the morning, and even after that, the leaves remain wet for several hours because the dew has to evaporate again. 

What role does dew play in crop protection? 

Dew is a form of moisture and therefore affects how the crop can be protected and how infections can affect it. Crop protection with pesticides does not work the same as normal on dew-covered leaves because most agents do not adhere well to wet surfaces. In addition, dew opens up the possibility of fungal infections. Fungal spores take advantage of a humid environment to develop and invade crop cells, causing severe damage. This makes dew a factor with many faces, affecting crop protection planning on many levels. 

How can this factor be taken into account?

Given the potential negative effects of dew on the crop and its impact on fungal infections, growers must take care when protecting their crops. Help with this challenging task is provided by the FieldMate, which displays dew point temperature and translates this data into comprehensive information. The locally measured dew acts as input to our Spray Planner, helping growers find the perfect time to treat their crop. This not only protects the crop in general, but also helps reduce the risk of fungal infections.

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