Accurate measurement
One of the main advantages of SmartFarm is the way we collect Ultra-local data. In fact, with a single FieldMate sensor, you get a plethora of detailed data for an area with a radius of 3 to 5 kilometers. This goes significantly beyond what traditional weather data offer. The sensor provides valuable insight into various parameters, including rainfall amount and leaf wet period. This data is invaluable for determining leaf wetness, for example. But that's not all; the FieldMate also measures the field climate, including temperature and relative humidity above the crops. This plays a crucial role for the growth of taller crops.
At the crop level, the FieldMate provides comparable measurements of temperature and humidity, which are invaluable in performing accurate calculations for disease pressure and determining overall crop status. In doing so, the FieldMate also measures soil temperatures at both -5 cm and -20 cm depths. Among other things, this information is used to indicate the most appropriate time for seeding and to evaluate available nitrogen levels in the soil.
In addition, you will receive additional valuable information about your field and crop based on the FieldMate's GPS location. Designed specifically for agricultural use, the accompanying weather forecast allows you to plan activities such as seeding, fertilizing and harvesting even better. The measured data from your field is integrated into the SmartFarm app with calculated information and data from external sources. This also gives you insight into solar radiation, wind speed, wind direction and gusts on your field, giving you a comprehensive picture of the conditions affecting your crops.
Comprehensive picture of disease pressure
The FieldMate sensor and accompanying SmartFarm app go beyond simply providing the aforementioned information. In fact, it uses scientific models that can make predictions about the crop. With this combination, growers can protect their crops at an optimal level and prevent timely crop damage.
The power of the FieldMate is reflected in the historical and expected disease pressure for your crops, displayed via the handy disease pressure tool. Through color coding, daily disease pressure is visualized for the current day, the next 4 days and the past 2 days. The latter data are based on measurements directly from the field, making them extremely reliable.
The disease tool within the SmartFarm app covers more than 50 crops and 100 diseases. The calculation of disease pressure for a specific crop combines measured data at crop elevation with the weather forecast at the same elevation. Relative humidity at crop height plays a crucial role here. Compared to regular weather stations that measure high above crops, the FieldMate offers much more reliable measurements.
Based on measured and predicted temperature and humidity, infection risk is assessed. This is detailed in the disease pressure tool, where instant information and explanations of infection probabilities are available. With these insights, you can take proactive steps to best protect your crops while avoiding overuse of crop protection products.
The disease models are based on scientific research and data from field experiments. In addition, the models are fed with data your FieldMate has collected over time from your own crop. Practical research has shown that you can save up to €50 per hectare on crop protection products!
Optimal Spray Effect Advice
Another advantage of SmartFarm in this regard is the SprayEffect advice, which supports farmers in optimizing their crop protection. This application connects ultra-local data with knowledge about crop protection products, providing insight into the optimal spray timing. This makes the use of plant protection products more effective, resulting in cost savings and a more environmentally friendly approach to crop protection. Choosing the right spray timing can reduce crop protection costs by 25-30%.
With your FieldMate and the SmartFarm app, you can access the Spray Planner module, which calculates the potential of crop protection products based on their active ingredients and formulation, combined with current and future weather conditions in your field. The crop stage is also included in the calculation.
The Spray Planner provides an hourly overview of crop protection efficacy for the next 48 hours. This helps you select the optimal time to protect your crops to achieve the best possible protection.
The Sprayer Planner uses data from 21 agrochemical weather-related and 5 meteorological processes, and takes into account various properties, such as adhesion and uptake of agents in and on the leaves of your crop. All this data is combined into one clear output, which helps you as a grower determine the ideal moment of protection.
Efficient Crop Protection and Higher Yields
The accurate disease warning system and optimal spray timing advice allow farmers to manage their crop protection more efficiently. By acting proactively and preventing crop damage, they can increase crop yields. In addition, SmartFarm minimizes the use of crop protection products, which not only provides cost savings, but also contributes to more sustainable farming practices.
User-friendly Application for Farmers
An additional plus of SmartFarm is its user-friendliness. With the SmartFarm app, farmers have all their crop data right at their fingertips. The clear dashboard displays all FieldMate sensors in one place, allowing farmers to effortlessly monitor the status of various plots. In addition to current information, the app offers historical data, personal notifications, a precipitation radar and cumulative data to assist farmers in planning their tasks.
All in all, it is clear that SmartFarm is playing a leading role in modern agriculture, where efficiency and sustainability are critical. In doing so, it not only allows farmers to accurately manage and protect crops, but also contributes to the broader goals of sustainability and environmental awareness. With a wealth of information at their fingertips and a user-friendly app, SmartFarm enables farmers to improve and innovate their practices, playing a vital role in the future of the agricultural sector.
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