Our Spray Planner is the simple answer to the complex question of when best to spray your crops. Our experts asked this question 25 years ago and have been working on developing the optimal planning solution ever since. Our easy-to-use application provides understandable 48-hour forecasts of the best time to spray your crops. These predictions are available for more than 50 different crops and are compatible with any available pesticide while remaining independent of specific brands or products. This makes the Spray Planner the right solution for every individual need for better farming.
What makes our spray planner so reliable is the first-class data on which it is based. Data is collected with our industry-leading FieldMate sensors directly in the field. These measurements are then translated into accurate predictions, combining state-of-the-art research, practical knowledge, extensive experience and valuable insights from pesticide manufacturers. The application was developed by our wide range of highly trained experts led by Erno Bouma, a leading expert in meteorology and crop protection. Our in-depth knowledge combined with the first-class data collected by our first-class sensors makes our planner the most reliable companion for complex decisions on the market.
The more advanced the planning, the more sustainable the agriculture. This link comes from the fact that the most important factor in crop spraying is proper timing. With the Spray Planner, this timing becomes a simple task and the effect can be increased by up to 30%. This means less work, less cost and less pollution.
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